Saturday, April 24, 2010

Great Recipe

This is a wonderful recipe for play-dough I received from L's playgroup leader a year or so ago. It uses kool-aid, which makes it smell delicious, and is really soft and easy to work with.

Kool-Aid Play Dough
2 1/2 C. flour
1/2 C. salt
2 pkgs. unsweetened Kool-Aid
3 T. oil
2 C. boiling water

Mix dry ingredients. Put oil in dent in middle. Stir in 2 cups boiling water quickly. It will be sticky at this stage, allow to set in a lump until cooler to the touch. Knead well. Now it should be soft and smooth and not sticky. Store in refrigerator when not using.

If I make it this week I'll take a picture or two and post it with this!


valmike said...

Eryn just eats this stuff!

Amy said...

At least you know it isn't toxic for her!